
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Boring as butts, but it's good if your trying to make something bigger or this is your first time creating a game

Isn't Unity a 3D game creation program? Anyways, I didn't like it too much.

Nice simple game! Great Job! :)

Live development idea failed horribly. I will be having a more standard style of game development. You will get the first playable version as soon as possible and after that I will publish updates when I feel I made enough progress. I will also post screenshots of develeopment even before the game is available for playing if the screenshots look interesting enough.

A simple game about catching fruit that falls from the sky by moving left and right. I hope to publish this game to the Android market and maybe even iOS. If you are interested in sponsoring the project please contact me. I also don't mind if you want to be the publisher for the title.


Step back

After many hours of work I realised that the work I have done was not that great. I have oversimplified the system I have made for the game. The game will be made, but some core changes in design and framework for the game need to be made.

Live development fails

Pause for the day

End of the day

Today I didn’t make much progress. Moslty added some effects and game speeds up with time. Still nothing playable.

Development continues