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This game is a platformer that is currently a proof of concept, however I hope that everyone who plays this can have fun. #retro #action #adventure #platformer #arcade

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

finished making a cutscene that goes in between 1-4 and 1-5.

almost halfway done with the first island, and currently making concept art for the second island

a new update is not gonna come out in a while due to ui issues and other bugs in a level thats gonna come out.

new version out that adds an extra stage.

I am redoing the story to better fit the gameplay loop, and development on the game will resume.

I'm putting this game on hold because I'm working on another project for now.

redid some sprites and added a boss

I removed a secret that you could find because it started to bug out. Don't worry it will be accessible once a later version is out, but the version that's coming out soon is a bit buggy and I just need to do some stuff before a demo comes out.

I work on this game now :)

Adding breakable blocks for the tutorial level. Also I added the stomp mechanic that will destroy the breakable block.