
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This sounds good ill try it out soon

pelase make it! :D

Sounds Great cant wait

You wake up in a room you have never seen before. The room is empty with the exception of two chairs and desk seperating them, there is a bright light flickering above the desk. Your see a large mirror covering one of the walls and a large steel door next to it. You realize you're not in any ordinary room, this is an interigation chamber...

Purge is a FPS survival horror game in which the player will experience true terror as they try to escape from their own imagination. Players will be thrown into a world of so many horror's that even the most inviting of rooms will throw fear into their minds.

This is currently a game in progress and I require help in development, if you feel you have the skills to help me create this game please message me or leave a response in the comments


Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Drug Reference
Strong Language

3D artist found

I have found several 3D artists who could just about make this game possible. If you feel that you can still help with production, that would be much appreciated

Looking for Artists

Game Engine Chosen