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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs Zombies v4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs Zombies v3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs Zombies v2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs Zombies
This was just a quick and easy game I decided to make in 3 days, every 2 characters being made each day.
Jotaro: E - Punch, R - Star Finger, F - Timestop, T - Time Smite (Aimed at cursor)
Josuke: E - Punch, R - Pellet, F - Wall
Giorno: E - Punch, R - Life Overflow Punch, T - Frog Throw, F - Tree
Jolyne: E - Punch, R - Baseball, T - String Wrap, F - Self String Insert (Makes zombies not able to hit your stand master.)
DIO: E - Punch, R - Knife, T - Donut Punch, F - Timestop
Kira: E - Punch, R - First Bomb, F - Sheer Heart Attack
Diavolo: E - Punch, R - Donut Strike, T - Epitaph + Time Erase (Shows a premonition of King Crimson killing (Hit amount of Zombies) and erasing time to kill all the zombies hit.), F - Time Erase (Erases the time in which the zombies reached Diavolo.)
Pucci Whitesnake: E - Punch, R - Gun Shoot, T - Disc Throw, F - Acid Barrier
New-Moon Pucci: E - Punch, R - Gravity Push, T - Panel Glide, F - Gravity Inversion
Heaven Pucci: E - Quick Slash, R - Knife Throw, T - Infinite Speed Slash (Aimed at cursor), Passive - Universe Reset
Kakyoin: E - Punch, R - India's Arm (HFTF Move), T - Membrane Barrier, F - 20 meter-range Emerald Splash
Midler: E - Saw Blade, R - Rotating Spear, T - Steel Wall, F - Car Transformation