
|Christmas, 200X|
Years have passed since Ness’s adventures in 199X, having gotten older, he felt that this christmas will be just like any other with his family. And yet, something was bothering him, something irrelevant to the holiday season. The girl of the chosen four, Paula. it had been almost forever since they last seen each other. Has she changed since then? Ness certainly had. When Ness left her at her house, What did she have to say to him? Was it some simple thing that she really forgot? Or was it……
….Does Paula feel the same way about him?
|What is this thing?|
This is a fan-made “director’s cut” -esque earthbound rpg maker thing heavily based off the 2008 cult classic by Toby Fox
Not only will it include new sprites (overworld and battle), new original music, and quality of life updates
But it will even have extra content like new locations and even endings
|Am i able to play it?|
Well, it isn’t out yet, it is still a work in progress, i started this way back in September of 2024, and i only started on this mostly cuz it is something created by Toby Fox, but as i continued Development it got me back into the mother series lmao, but as for where you can play it, you can find it on itchio, or here on gamejolt if you feel like it. the game isn’t downloadable but i decided to make these pages for when it does actually release.
|How can i help with it?|
So far i have myself for spritework (mostly as placeholders) and music, and i have a couple of musicians, 2 of which are active, and 3 sprite artists, 2 of which who are also active. (also i found some musicians before i found i even found a sprite artist which is funny cuz i was expecting to find a sprite artist before even finding a musician.)
But i was thinking i would want to have some people actually familiar with the mother series working on this too. I'll have a form ready for the Work for Hire tab. But i'll be looking for, well, spriters and musicans for peepeeplus (The game's shorter name), where your mostly gonna be making better versions of my sprites and making earthbound soundfont covers of songs. And maybe a playtester or 2 why not. Gonna have some more too so i dont have to have one person doing all the work for me. If you wanna help out, Feel free to pm me on starmen.net, or go to my carrd and onto my bluesky for my discord tag, or maybe even check out the work for hire tab (in the starmen.net forums) once thats ready.
So yeah, that's my game thing, cant wait to release it i guess, if any of you have issues with how i did this itch.io page, the game, or the game's existence, PLEASE let me know, i'll take some criticisms if i have too.