Game Community
DFM Reincarnation
3 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

alr cool

If y'all have any problems or suggestions for this mod, I will gladly be of service! (0.1.1 patch is tomorrow)


DFM Reincarnation V1.1 (SMALL PATCH)

Version: 0.1.011 months ago

DFM Reincarnation is the revival of the original Dom's Funkin' Madness mod made by King Noob with all new characters, songs, and more challenging charts!


You are hanging out with your girlfriend after a tough rap battle competition, until your girlfriend's dad kicks down the door and takes you to portal, in which you face many crazed versions of Dom. Will you be able to beat them?



Rubber - Director, Charter, Composer, Sprites

HeadComrade - Song Names, Mechanics

Nooby - MAJORITY of the Song Names, Mechanics

edson - BPM Dev

Tavionuigames365 - Song Names, Mechanics, Composer

Mouse LOQD - Voice Suggestions

Oswald LOQD - Voice Suggestions

@GHOST30 - Artist


  • 11hz - Planned to make the lyrics but didn't make the cut.

  • Zaz - Mod Contributor

  • AMG4 - Mod Contributor

#fnf #horror #fnfmod #rhythm

Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

v2 has started production! Get ready for another overhaul of content! :)