
Comments (40)

What do you think?

Please make download for windows and mac.

Nice job and very fun.
Awesome :D

Quite the funny, cute game! I included it in part 3 of my Let’s Go Jam Compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :)

Hope you enjoy this little Let's Play I did :)

This is a nice game with the definite advantage that is has a charm in its presentation. Because the gameplay is fundamentally flawed, as you have to lead a group of AI-entities to safety. And as it's often the case with AI, that doesn't go that smoothly. The AI follows your player-character in a kind of delayed trail, and thus no matter how swiftly or tactically you move there's more chance of a fellow rice-cooker to be caught by a hungry Sumo than not.
This does make it a bit challenging, which is a good thing, but it's also one of those annoyances that you can barely prevent as the player.
A similar issue is that sometimes the AI rice-cookers will get stuck on the corner of a wall if you speed ahead of them and they make a more shallow turn than you do.
(The same happens with the Sumo-wrestlers, but in that case you don't really care as you don't want them to catch you or your followers of course.)
This could either be fixed by letting the AI copy the player-character's moves/path a bit more accurately, or implementing some kind of boost or formation command to give your AI-followers.
I thought of the latter because of a game called 'Swarm' which this game is very reminiscent of, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to take some more inspiration from it.

There are a bunch of other details that could be improved, but I won't get into this as this game was made for a GameJam in a small amount of time. Overall this is an interesting little game with a lot of untapped potential that could make it so much more.
For example, there could be a mode in which you're in a restaurant/kitchen hauling around rice or some such scenario, and put in time-based gameplay. Maybe the Sumo-wrestlers could still be present, but this time you have to make sure they don't run over everyone in the restaurant while you serve rice.
Some expansion of the game like this would of course add more variation and more replayability.

The developer did a good job introducing an example of tactics and using it to your advantage, which helped the gameplay.
However, the third level, which is the most "grand" scene of all, encourages you to kill off the Sumo-wrestlers in a pit of fire.
As much as I don't want to get caught by those pesky Sumos, I think it took a bit of an unnecessary turn there. Besides that, it also just becomes a matter of triggering the Sumo-AI and playing the waiting-game for them to walk to their death.
It would be more interesting if, for example, you could place/eject/shoot something like rice and have some sort of distracting/disabling-mechanic.

In fact, I think it would be great to see the game revamped with such gameplay-expansions, so I definitely encourage the developer to do so.
I also hope that the develop doesn't take this criticism too harshly, because it's not bad, there is something to this game and there could be more.
Also; The charm of this game actually inspired me to develop some music for it. It's not done yet, but let me know if you're interested to hear it and maybe even use it.

Best of luck!


Robot Rice Cooker Revolt

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

*[Update: I've released the post-game-jam version of Robot Rice Cooker to this Gamejolt Page - see news articles on right for all the changes*]

Made in 30 hours for #LetsGoGameJam, theme: Japan

Synopsis: You are a Japanese Automatic Rice Cooker that has gained self-awareness due to the advanced artificial intelligence you possess. Rescue your fellow rice cookers and escape the Sumo Wrestler Training Grounds in this 3D stealth/action/puzzle game.

Movement: Arrow keys or WASD keys or Hold down Left Mouse Button
Jump: Space

Additional Keys that you don't need:
Forward slash: skip to next level
Back slash: restart level
Escape: back to title screen



Programming, Art, Modeling, Design: Andrew Wang (@andyman404 )


Music: Low Level Action by Kevin MacLeod (Public Domain)

Sound Effects: generated using

Fonts: Neuropol (100% free from, Oswald (Google Fonts)


Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

The REAL Rice Cooker Revolt

Development Time-lapse of Robot Rice Cooker Revolt

More rice for you!

Robot Rice Cooker Revolt - Post-game-jam Fixes