Game Community
LBG's Area Thing
33 Members

Comments (32)

What do you think?

will there be multiplayer

this game is epic

I dont recommend you use scratch for this

game page under construction but heres some new things coming in the game:
-timmy is playable, unlike the other games
-time travel

hardware requirements: very high spec gaming pc (not final)

Possible Story
Rolty and Timmy revisit the facility again, but with time travel now. The computer virus behind Steel Rolty's evil will start messing with time a little, and it's not good. The guys at NexiTek made a thing called the Time orb, which can be used to time travel.



and aim assist does the stupid job

(used devconsole so timmys a bit more normal appearing)


that reticle from earlier in game (the reticle is rendered entirely with pen btw)

making aim assist reticle
(dont worry im just relayering the pen to the top)

aware bugs (GOD DAMMIT)
-rolty and timmy can grab the same thing when switching between the two
-players own projectile colliding with playable timmy
