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Run And Don't Look Back

Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago
pre-alpha, highly unstable and unfinshed this is so any bugs we have so far can be resolved pre alpha bug fixes in most recent update include: more stabillity some trees player can now move footstep noises now work

IMPORTANT: Due to the massive update i have planned the game is becoming text based for a while

visit the discord channel to talk to the developer, request features, report bugs or anything else

This is the game that was born from the dead concept of police simulator.

You are being chased. You have not seen it yet but you can feel it watching you, hear its footsteps, and occasionally you hear a breathing sound right behind you....

In a adventure/horror game where the player is being pursued by a A.I that will try to stop the player from leaving alive

The A.I will be somewhat intelligent looking behind stuff, opening doors and going quiet to trick the player

The player will have a flashlight and a map of where they need to go, i might add a special surprise that can be used to win by killing the A.I but no promises

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Use
Mild Language


i apologise for the long delay, life bit me in the but. im finishing up the alpha of the game to release it

Bye Bye Pre-Alpha

im going to be taking down the pre-alpha and adding a AI Test Build shortly

Switching engines

im going to switch from udk to UE4 so expect a small delay


i just realised i screwed up the build by combining two games, Ooops

let me fix that