
Comments (3)

What do you think?

finally some recognition for the chicken humans 🔥

Yo this project looks awesome :D gotta say this is one of my favorite scps so im hyped

this scp looks like my father at the edge of my bed at night

Taking place in the SCP universe, this game is meant to take place prior to the containment of SCP-3199. It's a simple horror game, using a retro PS1 graphics style #horror #SCP #retro

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

I spent the last few days going back into the 3199 article & researching for some ideas to fill out the "lore" of the game.

I had no idea of the rabbit hole I'd be diving down.

Of all things, I was never expecting a chicken god to fit into all this.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to work on the game this week, so...I guess I'll show off my map design/mad art skillz. (i'm so sorry...)

Most of my work on the 3199 game is trying to get the atmosphere just right. The first picture is what the game's like with lights on, and the other is what it's like with filters, fog, etc. What do you think, too spoopy?

The first thing that I wanted to show off was, of course, the model that I made for 3199. It's pretty low poly and a bit ugly, but I swear it looks way better with the retro PS1 graphics over it!

Hello, Game Jolt!

So for the last couple of months, I've been working in my spare time on a game based off of SCP-3199, "Humans, Refuted." I've figured it's high time that I start showing off my progress in a devlog, so stay in touch for more updates