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scratch cat has taken a trip in the forest, to reach the peek to the mountain, and put the flag on top of it, however... that giant owl has taken your flag, along with all the supplies to survive the cold conditions of the peek on top so you went back down to catch it back, but when you go to the tree's where the giant owl hide into, not only that the owl stole your car, but also with all of your children to baby sit with too, just for the owl to feed the owl babies for lunch! defeat this terrible giant feather pest, so you can save your children, your car, your flag and your belongings to put them back on the ground, and then, reach the top of the mountain again, to put the flag to the peek!

try to hit the owl back with your power, by pressing the C button, to punch back with his feathers! but beware, not all feathers are great! so keep on the look out which one is dangerous! to punch back into and make sure to Duge the parry attack when it lands to the ground!

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