
ShrineSpark MAC
Somewhere in the deepest reaches of space...
An execution is to be carried out...
Play as Orange, a perfect simulacrum of the Orange Experience. Be freed from prison by a strange hero.Â
SHRINESPARK Personal Software simulates the following experience:
Play as the hero('s friend. You are the hero of your own life! Take the passenger seat for a while).
About 3 hours of content!
Slaughter foes via turn-based mechanics (Real Life does not support this).
Become nauseous/on fire.
Enjoy the company of others.
Browse online forums which update based on your actions.
SHRINESPARK is made wholly by one person! Experience the world as seen by "The Homie's Boon"...
TOO MUCH juiced-up original pixel art to gaze at on your quest! Art critics across the globe have been left FOETID CORPSES by the sight!
STUPID quantities of head-tapping original audio will have you too shakin' to play! It should be ILLEGAL to put this many tunes in a game!