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fnaf sl in real time
why is the link apk??? W H Y
WARNING: This game does not run on all systems. Due to the amount of RAM that video files (WEBM) take up on your PC, not all systems will run the game the same. If you have a major game-breaking bug, please report it on the Discord server!
The Custom Night is an extra night in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. It was released on December 1st, 2016. It can be unlocked only after finishing the game and unlocking all three stars in the menu!

Custom Night is set in the Private Room, where the player must fend off almost all of the animatronics in FNaF: SL, excluding Circus Baby and Ennard.
Like the first game, the player must manage their resources, in this case energy and oxygen. Closing doors will drain energy, as well as Electrobab, while the first variation of Minireena and Yenndo will drain the player's oxygen, if they are present. There are many different challenges that the player can complete, similar to Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Custom Night.
Beating the default game mode on nightmare difficulty (the six-hour mode) unlocks a cutscene of Michael Afton walking down a street, with each cutscene showing him slowly decomposing and turning purple. At the end, Ennard leaves the decaying body and enters the sewers, as Michael falls down. Moments later, Baby is heard repeating "You will not die", until Michael gets up and Ennard's eyes light up in the sewers. But there will be a secret scene that will make your hair stand on end.
So manage your energy well and take care of your surroundings, so you don't die. It will all depend on you whether you win or lose, so good luck and see you another night.
= Director & Creator!

Be careful, because as we all know... the animatronics tend to wander a bit.

#fnaf #other #fangame #action #horror #strategy #survival #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed