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This is my first ever game maker game. it is super simple as i have just started learning the langauge. use the arrow keys to move around. according to the law of inertia all objects in motion tend to stay in motion. unless you counteract your movement you will remain moving in that same direction. fuel is limited. dodge the meteor and get to the end to go to the next level. all meteors spawn randomly

up arrow - forward thrust
left and right - rotate
a - thrust left
d - thrust right
down arrow - stops all forward thrust until there is none. after that it sends you backward.
excape- excape
f4- fullscreen
r to restart
i spent the past few days (at least a few hours each day) coding this which is hard when you dont know the language. super proud of the fact that to stop with the down arrow it takes as much fuel as it took to speed up to your current forward speed. kinda rambled on this intro... sorry

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