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This game is under development.


A 4 man development team is working on this huge, UE4/C++ based psychological horror game about a child with a mental illness. Details are yet to be discussed and foreclosed.

Check out our development page for more info on the game and the developers behind it!

#strategy #horror #survival #puzzle #other #adventure

Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Drug Use

Its coming along.

It's been a while since we picked this up but we've been planning relentlessly and we thought that before releasing the full game we'd produce a pre-game game - a sort of brain stimulus to see what you guys think. The page for it will be uploaded soon.

One of the developers has made a developer log. We won't link it because it forecloses sensitive game information. Thanks for your understanding and attention.

Still delving into research. Can't really go wrong there can you? Besides the stimuli we are using, if we are going to incorporate its aspects within our game, must be executed perfectly, no?

Story being discussed. Concepts planned out.