
Comments (18)

What do you think?

As soon as I thought it was going to be Horror/Mystery Game, The pictures slapped me in the face with RPG Maker MV regular graphics :/. Oh well. I guess I'm going to wait for the outcome.

Found you on Google play lol

Looks Sweet

Wow this game is great!I would love to get
help on my game called Koal

This looks great! How long do you think it will take to make? I could wait a long time, and I don't judge "Early Access" games.
Some jerk gave you 1/5 jolt rating. I gave a 5/5 to try and even it out a bit. (:


The Five Stages- Denial

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago
1st game in The Five Stages series

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Hello Zepp (Official Saw Theme)

It has been three long years since Edward has been in the prison. Every day people tell him that he was the one that killed his daughter... That there never was any monster... that it was all in his head... They tell him that he is sick... Until one day, when they don't come at all. Edward waits in the cell for them for hours, but they never come. Suddenly, the cell door is opened remotely and Edward steps out of his cell to discover a deserted prison... He must explore it and find what happened to everybody else...

But something else is in there, in there with him... A secret, a monster, a piece of his past, refusing to stay put...

The Five Stages is about a journey through the darkness of the human mind, and the buried secrets that lie within. Based, in part, on the Minecraft map Grief, by MahTamato, and the real Five Stages of Grief, The Five Stages, is a horror game series like no other...

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Use
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling


The Five Stages: Anger update!



The Five Stages: Denial is finally out!

Hello everybody!!
I am proud to tell you all that The Five Stages: Denial is finally out! This is very exciting for me, and I hope it is for you too! Enjoy!