The Great Tales of Nocrone
The Great Tales of Nocrone_
The Final Game Of The Nocrone Series
Go to http://the-world-of-nocrone.webnode.nl/ for the story of Nocrone.
Aim Of The Game:
Who do you want to play?
Defend Valqueron:
Press 2 = To play the Lord of Light.
Press 4 = To play a Human.
Attack Valqueron:
Press 1 = To play the Lord of Darkness.
Press 3 = To play an Orc.
Press 5 = To play a Bat Ghost.
Press 6 = To play a Skeleton.
The Game:
When a Wallbreaker destroys the Human Throne,
then the Humans are defeated.
(Move the Mouse Cursor over all Human Settlements to find the Human Throne.)
Humans should prevent Wallbreakers from reaching the Human Throne,
at all costs.
This can be done by bouncing the Wallbreaker away.
This can also be done by destroying the Wallbreaker.
(After the Human Throne is destroyed, the game will restart.)
Key Controls:
Left Mouse = Switch Tab
1 2 3 4 5 6 = Player Options
Q W E A S D Z X = Move Player
/ = Attack
Commands Tab = Music
( Click MusicOn Button in Commands Tab once. )
( DarkLordPlayer = Main Menu )
(The Key Controls are all given in-game)
Used for this game:
(Windows 8)
Bfxr (Sounds)
Soundation (Sounds)