
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hi, I player your game and it's really good. Just personally I think that the time between the next and last firethrow (not sure how to call it, I mean these fires shooting from the traps) is too short. Even though I waited and jumped as the first blast finished, the other appeared half way through my jump and I kept dying.

I really like the collectables you can get in all the levels.

Good art because all look consistent. I like the apple animation. Music fits the rest of the game. Good demo! Hope to see level bosses.

Stephen has someone our young hero (Ray) loves captured in his castle. Ray goes to the castle order to rescue his soul mate.

Note: This game was made within a 3 month time frame and is dedicated to my bro/best friend who passed October 2015

Side Note: Read each note carefully. Apple and watermelons mean more than you know

Known Bugs:

  • When dying on level 3 to the fire, after re-spawning the fire can sometimes be triggered off for that section. Don't know how to fix that. So if that happens to you . .congrats lol


Release Date

Boss battle expanded