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I got inspiration to make this game from a dream I had once. My sister told me to write a book... I started making a game.

It's a story about Idrils, superhumans created a million years after Homines Sapientes (Plural of Homo Sapiens, if I'm not mistaken) to stop The Millennial War between mankind. Unfortunately, there were Idrils that saw chance in war for unlimited power that are today known as Nerphises (Singular is Nerphis). Will you be able to transform to Idril, or will you turn yourself into an Nerphis?

Move character on arrow keys or by clicking a tile where you want to go with mouse. Return or Enter is OK key. Escape opens Game Menu and also acts as Back key.

Credits are displayed in game

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Really, really bad news

I’m so sorry, but I have to delay the 0.2.0 to the end of the week since my computer broke. I’m so sorry again, I can’t believe this happened now…

What will 0.2.0 bring