
Comments (39)

What do you think?

After William driving sense, there's an image "transotionintro1" not found

I love the facted that, from what ive seen, William Afton looks fucking homeless

wait this might actually be peak

The art style seems wild to me

If you need a Voice Actor, I would love to participate in the project!

Discord: SherekaBr#7086

The artstyle reminds me of @PoopsytheDuck



Version: 0.2.127 days ago
note: i need to fix a small bug rn with some missing stuff, this should be up to date soon-ish when I finish adding to the prologue


Version: 0.2.24 months ago
demo for TBOMA DLC 1: the last dance :) focused around into the pit, takes place AFTER TBOMA , placeholder details

Game Soundtrack

66 songs

butcher vanity - main title (TBOMA)



In a visual novel mimicking the grunge of old web flash games and inspired by corny analog horror, take on the role of Super Awesome And Friendly business co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, William Hartwell Afton. With your cast of loving family and supportive employees, you're sure to get through this wave of mid-life crisis induced psychosis. You would never REALLY want to hurt anyone, right? Whatever is going through your head is just grief taking its toll.

MANAGE BUSINESS. PLAN PARTY. MAKE MONEY. SPEND TIME WITH FAMILY. ACT NORMAL. Make your own great choices! Learn more about your coworkers, family, and friends that you never wanted to know as small town Hurricane Utah processes loss in its own blissfully ignorant sacred code to turn the other cheek. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Nine months and one embarrassing school expulsion later (In the sixth grade, seriously?), Oswald Lewis returns to finish what he quite honestly never started as a victim of circumstance wishing upon a star. Revisit some familiar faces outside of the strange greasy shoes and sideways perspective of Afton for once to get a clear cut of the picture from the other side of his game. Not that this is a good or fun thing, but maybe with enough attention to detail you can avoid making things any worse.

It seems like things couldn't get any worse after the fallout (and pee ball dust) settled, some Things with a capital T just don't go quietly into the night. All you're paid for your hard efforts in is food, a roof over your head, and some good old fashioned work ethic for reclusive adolescents. Time is working a double shift against your plight as you plan to leave this town behind with your hopefully and surely fully intact family and never look back, isn't it what you always wanted?

>big content warning on this one for medical horror + themes and medical abuse * and arguably body horror 😨


Unfortunately old habits die hard as Wicked Willy makes his return, bringing an iconic character right back out of the dirt with him. It's almost too convenient someone would build such a nice warm pizzeria with a gentle, inviting trash pile right outside.

Follow our newest big-dreams-small-bucks Fazbear Franchisee (and required assistance) in their efforts to revitalize the Faz life stream. They're gonna party like it's 1999, but little does anyone in this situation know what kind of cowboy they've gone poking this time around. With earnest literalism.

Dive deeper on the family in (cut content..) INTRICATELY INTERLACED BACKSTORY with standalone plots never before seen because that's a lot of cutscenes to draw!

>bigger content warning on this one for suicide mention/action



All art, assets, design, story, code, scripting, and all uncredited sound by ME!!!







10 million shoutouts to @SPAMTONJSPAMTON honestly she drew like all the promo art she storyboarded she brainstormed she's tolerated at least 27 loredumps ily thank her for the missing children's incident sequence because she drew it first 💔

All songs credited (chari) were adapted/and or composed by @charismaticFEAR


Ms. Thing AND Oswald both performed by ME @hellokitty1fan more TBA ??? I'm thinkin' about it

William Afton, Scotty Atkins, Old Man Consequences, FazFright speaker guy, and (we're working on it potentially) Clarisse Afton by @SunnySooperCool



HEAVY gore/blood can get graphic

Animal death (!!!)

Substance use (casual smoking + just alcohol)

Brief suicide mention/implied in base content (nothing major)

though this game is all 2D art I just advise discretion with the use of on screen rather than off screen death <3

thank you for proceeding


#fnaffangame #fangame #fanproject #horror #analoghorror #pointnclick #retro #storygame #2D #handdrawn #fnaf #LGBTQ #fnaf #analog #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #yesiknowihavetotagitwithfnaf #visualnovel #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor

what sprites do you want to see next before release !

most of these have redesigns so they're not just like the same

  3 votes Voting finished

updating the game page later today, it's currently pretty outdated 😓 but I got new stuff to show off and hopefully will give a better feel of things 🤨

do we want a trailer or do you want me to just drop the game when it's finished like no spoilers nada

  3 votes Voting finished

I'M BACK...!

It's been a while of radio silence, but I'm like SOBBING thrilled to announce: Expect TBOMA release before or by the 10th anniversary. I don't have a DAY nailed down, but this game is almost complete and I'm so. happy.

update in comments!

huge update tomorrow /srs giggles and runs away

hi sorry this game still exists i promise uhh still on hiatus... i just thought id update on the whole deal but im still making it! it will happen. some day mildly soonish. check out my other game im releasing first in the mean time oooh you want to....

taking a small break from work on tboma, but consider checking out my new game im working on in the meantime:

ill be picking up tboma again in may or so and it WILL be done this summer, (positive) devlog in the comments

I'm back🙀🙀 I'm updating the game page soon and I'll post a sprites update in a bit, I've overhauled the character sprites and they look and work MUCH better now!! here's one of my fav recent william screencaps from a cutscene for now..

HI SORRY I'VE BEEN A LITTLE QUIET!! I've been working super hard on a side project at the same time as tboma, but for now here's some traditional drawings of our favorite princess sparkle kitten 💜 it's been a while since I've drawn him pen and paper 🥺

hi its me again.. ive just been wanting to show some more stuff but i have an entire 3/7 chapters i cant show anything from because of major plot thats my own original stuff i really want to be a twist so heres 3! of my fav newer cuts!! (more below)

update on that dreadbear design plus some other stuff im working on !!!! almost done