
Comments (2)

What do you think?

can you make a macos version please

So far it's EXCELENT!!!

As always a masterpiece of ambiance, I see you've taken the route of Survival Horror this time and it actually has a story to be excited about, and I'm very interested with what becomes of the Hell space (I like the idea, I just don't understand the main mechanic of it. For example; in Dementium 2, a first person horror shooter DS game from 2007, the player suffers of squizofrenia which makes your whole surroundings change sometimes into horrific nightmares with monsters to have some hard battle sections; In FNAF World there's the "Glitch World" which is a space under the map that can get the player to different inaccessible areas through normal means and is also a plot device that can kill you if you go way too many layers down it. When I tried your Hell space it didn't matter if I got to one of the spheres or prayed to the statue, it still gave me progress.

But as with anything, everything isn't perfect. I specifically have two issues with it that can be easily solved:
1. why the god forsaken movement of Laberynth (1980)???
I wouldn't have a problem with it if it was responsive, but the movement doesn't have an input buffer which makes it quite annoying.
But then in the Hell space the player has momentum at the same time that can only rotate 90° at any direction.
2. Unless the player has a way to prevent being damaged, why are there health stones? If the game is going to have enemies that follow you then it will be impossible to run or to evade any incoming enemy.

My suggestions? I have two:
1. Omni-directional movement not tied to the player's rotation along side smooth movement. Let the player move around any direction without needing to move the camera and the camera rotate separately (For more explanation about this idea, watch any moder DOOM 1993 gameplay and notice how the player moves around.).
2. Omni-directional movement not tied to the player's rotation but with the same style of step by step movement. This could be a better idea if you still wanna keep that in the game. You can use WASD for the movement and the arrow keys for the camera rotation. Or Maybe let the player move forwards and to the sides but not backwards, that is an option too.
Now PLEASE remember these are just suggestions from a random guy in the internet. You can do whatever you want without any pressure because I'm gonna still be here to give a like and to play it till the end with much pleasure :3.

I was interested in the fiew bits of sotry the alpha has. I'm excited to see what happened to the protagonist's brother.
But... I'm a little confused... One room has University notes of the protagonist, but then at the end he mentions this is a factory, so I don't know about that.

AGAIN, take all of this with a grain of salt and remember is just my personal opinion. Have a good day and keep going

dungeon crawler horror


derp derp