
An open-world style action RPG on an undead pirate filled island, with loads of treasure and secrets to discover! #action #rpg #adventure #puzzle #KSUCapstone20
Final Update:
Game has been completed! All coding for each segment of the level has been completed, and the boss fight has been completed. There is now also a pause and main menu with various options, as well as a saving system.
Link to download the game(NOTE: The compressed download file is about 2GB and the uncompressed game folder is about 5.44GB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/19GkCvJGnfB42GtHEfcEiYQ_GX8FH6ele/view?usp=sharing
Artstation page: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1nA4NK
Hope you all enjoy the game! Any and all feedback is appreciated!

Update April 20-24:
Enemies are now fully implemented with animations, utilizing Paragon's skeleton pirate character. All enemies now also have a patrol path to make them seem more alive in the world
All gems now have blueprints that allow the player to collect them, and they can be collected in any order! Only addition left is to have a trigger be spawned upon collecting all three so when the player enters the cave the boss door will open
All accessible bodies of water now have working triggers to teleport the player back onto land
The boss AI has also been completed! For time reasons of the project, the boss is now the captain of the skeleton crew. Double the size of his crew, sporting red "clothing" and wielding a two-handed sword to make his attacks more menacing. Being a clumsy skeleton, though, he can accidentally hit his minions while attacking the player! Included images show him currently in the graveyard section to test lighting(since the boss arena will have the same lighting and still needs to be adjusted to accommodate the new boss AI)

Update April 13-17:
Main focus this week on creating and testing the tower, which holds the last piece needed to open the boss door. The tower features tight beam walking, which allows for some interesting combat situations. While at the moment there is no fall damage, players still need to watch their step and be weary during combat to not fall down and lose progress in ascending the tower. The beams weave in and out of the tower through open windows, creating some interesting vertical traveling. Once players reach the top, they not only are rewarded with their required jewel, but also a complete and unobstructed view of the whole island
Did some minor tweaking to landscape to make some areas less bumpy
Started working on a new version of the boss. The original idea was to have the boss be a giant crab. Upon reevaluating the arena and gameplay for the fight, a new design for the boss seems to be in order. More info and screenshots on this next week!

Update April 6-10:
Overall world lighting and fog change, now adds a subtle blue hue to the world to keep the spooky marshland/ghost island-type vibe. Now colors can pop more without being washed out by the harsh green color before.
Added subtle paths to key locations, bordered with foliage grass and torches where applicable.
Added torches to graveyard hill, as lighting change made the area darker. So the torches add a nice relief from the darkness.
Added another, relatively identical statue setup to that of the one on the western coast. Slightly destroyed look to it, and will serve as the way to gain access to the chest at the foot of the western statue. When the player approaches the new statue's platform, the light will begin to move and guide the player to the opposite end of the island and create a platform in the water for the player to jump across. More info on this later.
Added environment assets into the cave entrance to the boss arena.
Made a potential main character in ZBrush with some general poly paint texture to get an idea of design. Will continue to be refined and hopefully in the game soon.

Update March 30- April 3:
Finished adding roofs onto port buildings
Created side port tower/building. Includes sight lines to most landmarks through various windows. Also provides a way to jump across pillars to the top room of the western port building that hides a chest with goodies inside.
Added an altar-like structure in front of western lake statue. Will require finding a hidden button/lever to create a platform for the player to get across the water to the steps.
Added some additional "flair" to the spiral on the eastern coast. Spiral now has a central location to collect the section's jewel for unlocking the boss door.
Started bordering the skull at the top of the hill with rocks to help complete the entrance to the boss arena. Inside and arena still require assets.

Update March 16-20:
Continued adding rock borders around the island(no invisible walls yet)
Added arches to server as framing to help guide the player to various locations
Added a new body of water on the western side of the island, going to serve as an additional exploration spot for extra loot.
Redesigned the graveyard area. New statues, more space, and "grave digger huts" to add additional life to the area. Also added a hidden treasure spot.
Added torches and a statue to center lake.
Began framing skull cave, preparing to build it into the landscape and fully design the boss arena(currently gray-boxed).
Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1isX6mLrAa_Ql4aFTBjJf7jN3iSbSk8jQ/view?usp=sharing