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Underfell: The Saviour's Trilogy is a compilation of 3 separate Underfell Last Breaths compiled into one game

Underfell: Carnage Terminus, the reboot UFLB created by Coaxae is an Underfell Last Breath where Sans never finds nor works with W.D Gaster, but finds his own path to defeat the treacherous human: Frisk and their culprit: Flowey

Underfell: Grasp for Salvation, the legacy UFLB first created by DanielMuffin, but now owned by A-Rod is an Underfell Last Breath that follows Sans working with Dr W.D Gaster to take down the human, but Gaster has different plans for how him and Sans will defeat the human

Unnamed Underfell LB, created by The RG, so far nothing has been made, so this section will be updated.


@A-RodTheGreat : Writer, Concepter, Legacy Owner

@coaxed : Coder, Spriter, Reboot Owner

@randomguy_350 : Spriter, Musician, Mid-Boot Owner

@Instinctuality : Musician, Concepter (maybe)

Deadboy99: Musician

Jacoobin: Spriter

@AquaFieds : Logo maker (HOLY SHIT YOUR GOOD)

JuB: Musician

Dizle: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh spriter i think?????


Undertale by Toby Fox and Temmie Chang

Underfell by Vic the Underfella

Undertale: Last Breath by @ulbteam

Underfell: Grasp for Salvation by A-Rod

Underfell: Carnage Terminus by @coaxed

Underfell: Unnamed by @randomguy_350


WE HAVE A SOUNDCLOUD FOLLOW IT NOW OR I WILL SEND @Instinctuality AFTER YOU ALL, and we have a playlist of the current playlist for Grasp for Salvation's (Last Saviour's) OST…

weather update

im just gonna use noriega engine

because mine hasnt gotten any progress recently

womp womp