
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I this Game dead? (Just asking) I can to Spriting and pretty bad (Terrible) Songs. What is The Point of The Game? And to you have Discord? So how to i can Join? I don't have no more questions? (End my Suffering) (I already commented on your devlog)

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

This is the new version of a fan-game i was previosly working on: "Understory"

The acctualy story, however, Has yet to be thought of...

So, instead, im going to list the diffrences between this and Understory:

  1. Understory was made in RPG Maker, this will be made in Game Maker

  2. Understory was a simple RPG Maker version of acctual Undertale, this has a more complex story...

  3. I tried to make it myself, and that didn't work out, so I'm trying to get a Developer Team to help me make this...

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

In need of a Dev Team

These are the things you can do for the team:


Music (MIDI’s)

Helping with a Story

A simple engine for me to use in Game Maker