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Undertale Re:Sans Mod
File containing xdelta patch for the mod, .ogg audio files and DeltaPatcher
Undertale Re:Sans - The Undertale Sans Fight Reimagined
A mod for Undertale that changes the Sans Fight.
Phase 1 has different, harder attacks, while phase 2 is completely redesigned.
Focuses a lot on gameplay while keeping the story very similar.
The game doesn't end until the credits roll.
Made for Mystic Slime's Undertale Sans Fight mod competition
Gamebanana link: https://gamebanana.com/mods/575319
Undertale is required to play this mod.
Finale but it's Megalovania by MIDI SLAPPER (Creative Commons attributions reuse allowed license)
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans