Comments (13)
I really liked the game, but i couldn't find thought the way out of the maze.And i made a playthrough of it if someone wants to check it out:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz8knLyiShM
The torches and the fire looked awesome! I loved that scared sound your character made when I walked through the forest. Felt very creepy! I missed that sound when you removed it once you get inside... The maze got a little bit annoying sometimes. You should put some clues there so players feel smart when they find out where to go, otherwise it feels random and just based on luck. I got really scared in the end though! Made the hair on my arms stand up. Good job! :D
This game is pretty awesome for a quickly build game. Nice job!
I forgot to tell you that I uploaded a video of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cvF_J46LQ
Despite the title of the video, I didn't find the game to be THAT good. I'm not saying that it's bad either. It's just that on Thursday, after trying so many games, this was the only one that would let me play it.
For a game made in a few hours it's pretty solid! The game was very atmospheric and creepy especially in the beginning, and I mostly freaked myself out thinking something was gonna happen haha. Unfortunately I lost the feel for this game shortly after Panok came into play. I was startled when I saw him come out of the wall after I picked up the orb thingy at the end of the maze, but I never feared Panok or felt panincked about the situation. Once I realized Panok was just a really fast white guy that's frozen in the same pose all the time with looping horror sounds that got quite annoying after a little bit, it wasn't scary at all. I didn't have a problem traversing the maze at all until the very end when you reach the exit. I would get caught every time I'd run up the stairs no matter how fast I went, I'm guessing because you made Panok way too fast. As far as story goes I didn't see much of a story that left "a lasting memory" for me, maybe that's fault for not being able to beat it.
Please don't get upset, I'm definitely not wanting to make you feel bad for the game you've made, I'm just giving honest criticism that I think you should know about. Like I said you made this in two days so I'm not expecting perfection. Better than anything I could have made that's for sure! Very well built game just not what you described. 2/5
Unseen is an experimental "terror" game about bad memories. The game builds itself up by being quiet and demanding attention, then generates panic for an extended period of time. It's short, and won't take much of your time, but can leave a lasting memory.
Enter the realm inhabited by Panok. Previously a human, Panok caused terror and had a curse set upon him: he can not unsee the pain he caused others; he cannot forget the horrible things he did.
Move with WASD and mouse.
Created in two days (so a few hours total) for the New Year Game Jam 2014 (yes, last year) by some folks at Solanimus.