
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I can help you if you want to start developing it!

It's currently just another fangame idea album for the concept art (Original Pokemons list)

It's a story about a generation where the background land of the plot is a wasteland that have been strongly polluted in every aspect. Every new pokemon is designed around this concept.

Currently not planning to make it something real.

#fanconcept #pokemon #fakemon #retro #wasteland #originalconcept


[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 009: Splicho

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 008: Dripplo

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 007: Dileech

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - First partner Pokémon - Fire Type

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 006: Flysk

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 005: Puppot

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 004: Mahhot

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - First partner Pokémon - Grass Type

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 003: Omiceus

[Pokemon: Scrapped] - 002: Famice