
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Oye, hice los sprites de bf, si puedes arreglar eso en los créditos, y es un poco malo para mí que no me hayas pedido permiso para usar la compilación que hice con algunos amigos para otro fangame.

Hi can I post an OST for this mod? I will credit you and your team? If not I am totally fine with that.


Old Version (v1.1)

Version: 1.1.1about 2 years ago

2.25 Update (Another Mini Update)

Version: 2.2.5about 2 years ago

Just another fanmade from sns: d sides vs (outta luck rabbit)

Respective Credits:

Charts By Me

Lucky composed by Olimac31

Violently Lucky composed by Mayz/Star_Lyt (Ex SNS Creator)

Downcast (Unhappy Remake) Composed by IckyIZ For SNS Overhaul By The Shippy Sea

Downcast Bf Sprites From Vs Mouse Hurb

Really Darkened By Ickyiz

Og Violently Lucky And Yunghappybisida Port By DnKrL, Mathx, Bugger And Kpro Ruso

Also Bf Sprites By DnKrL

Sadmouse/Really Darkened Oswald Sprites Also By Mayz

Really Darkened Mickey Sprites By Idk (Again)

Og Lucky Port By Pamduro (El insano pam) On YouTube

Og Downcast Port By Idk (Yes, Again, Holy Sh)

Og Really Darkened Port By Cyan Anims

Compilated And Recharted By Me

-If Someone Founds A Unlucky (Unhappy D Side) Contact To Me To Put It In The Mod XD

And Some Tags;

#fangame #other #rhythm #oswald #fnf #dsides #fridaynightfunkin #fnfdside #sns #fanmade #night #higheffort #sus #mickeymouse #remix #mickeymouse #oswaldmov #mouseavi #sunday #sundaynight #retro #altgame #mod #mods #fnfmod #fnfmods #downcast #overhaul #Lucky #modfnf #chart #rechart #charts #recharts #happy #a #e #i #o #u #XD #music #musical #Musicalgames #singing #sing #games #game #idk #screenshake #flashinglights #yetanother #D #unlucky #theluckyrabbit #mickeymouseavi #avi #mov #yes #disney #arrows #musicalgame #arrow #arcade #textadventure #adventure #oswaldtheluckyrabbit #horror #vr


Sns D side v2 Build has removed by problems, tomorrow will be reuploaded with 2.2 version

This contains:

2 new song

Finished things from the 2.0/2.1

And More maybe

Guys, THE BUILD IS UNFINISHED FOR NOW!!!, In Some Days, The Full Ver (2.25) Will Be Released

2.1 Hotfix Showcase

Just 2 new thlngs

Lapse of violency finished chart

and new game over music

guys, i didnt save the lapse of violency chart XD, in some minutes i will release the finished chart

v2 From Sns D side Is Finally F**king Finished, Tomorrow, Sunday 18th is the official release, this was to be the last update to the mod, lets end to this.