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Your Quest 2 the sequel

Version: 0.0.1about 9 years ago

Thirty Years later you play as Eric yet again only he has moved to a new town left all his friends behind and decided to start a new life.You are new,nobody knows you(unless you count a few store keepers)you are trying to be successfull in doing what you are trying to do... whatever you want!In this game just as the first you make your own quest trying to do whatever you want from climbing a house to making a new island (using RPG MAKER VX Ace and putting the files there) so have fun!

The controls are the same as the first, arrow keys to move shift to run and space to interact with things.

this game is hardly called 0.0.1 it will be changed alot mostly from your opinions

I am still in school so this will not be developed constantly
if you like the beta of this game I reccomend you check out the first at


3D is out!

The 3D remake of the First game (Your Quest) is out if you want to check it out head here!: