
Comments (5)

What do you think?

this game made me hit my desk so hard i fucked died but good game

I like the art style and the castle crahsers music :) The only thing I think you could change is the speed because the character seems to move a bit too fast, but this game has potential!

i like it but i cant die tho



Version: 0.0.8over 3 years ago
First update in a long time; this version contains a completed level 3 and some bug fixes.


Version: 0.0.5about 4 years ago
Finished level 2, along with some minor adjustments to controls and bug fixes.


Version: 0.0.4over 4 years ago
This version contains several updates as well as an early version of level 2. See the devlog for full details.


Version: 0.0.3over 4 years ago
Only contains the first level; still somewhat crude and buggy.

My first *actual* game that isn't just a test-demo-thing. Fun times all around ~(._.~)

It's still a work in progress, so bear in mind it's likely buggy and unfinished. I didn't mean to make this game hard, but it's pretty dang hard, so good luck with that I suppose. Cheers!

#platformer #adventure #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence

Version 0.00.8 update: first update in a long time, and no I won't be uploading versions 6-7, lol. Devlog below:

version 0.00.5 update; not too much new on this one, but level 2 is finished! Full update log below:

I exported the html5 version of 0.00.4 incorrectly, so level 2 didn't work apparently. Whups.

I re-exported it (I think) correctly this time, so it *should* work now...

... hopefully <_<;

new update, yee yee ~(._.~)

Anyway, here's a devlog:

If you don't play my game, I will personally sneak into your house and steal all of your spoons. All of them.