Air Bags

4 years ago

1 Week of Game Dev starts now!

Hello all!
I've been lucky enough to take a week off of work and I've somehow convinced my lovely wife that I should spend all the time working on game development!

Here's the plan:
I'll be on my computer as much as possible over the next 7 days (11/30-12/6) getting as far as I can in coding a game. Eat, poop, code. 
Maybe even sleep.

The game I'll be working on is a re-vamp of Puzzle Pirates, which my good friend Chris pointed me to. The basic idea is that you are a pirate, and you do different tasks on a pirate ship in the form of mini-games. Patching the ship looks like Tetris, pumping the bilge is a match-3 game, and so on. Tasks help the ship move around, and everyone on the ship gets better rewards. When I heard about it, I tried it out on steam (still free to play!) and I immediately wanted to make a game in similar style- where players can jump on, do some tasks (mini-games), collect some rewards, and repeat.

This won't be a one-to-one clone of Puzzle Pirates. I hope to change the setting, create different types of mini-games, and update the mechanics. 

I'm also choosing this game because I've already got a bit of a head start. I've got a pretty good system in place for joining and leaving ships (which I'll do a write up of later if anyone is interested) so the bulk of the work will be more game-play related, and less nuts and bolts getting started.

It's also important to note I'm not trying to finish in a week- but just seeing how far I can get before going back to the day job. The goal is simply to work on this as much as possible, and get as far as I can.

So get ready for programmer art, missing semi-colons, miss-placed brackets, and sleep deprived ramblings. 
​I'll update here and across all other platforms this is posted on as often as is warranted.
I'm also very open to feedback, questions and comments, so please post!

Let the week begin!



Next up

1 Week of Game Dev - Part 6

1 Week of Game Dev - Part 4

1 Week of Game Dev - Part 3

1 Week of Game Dev - Wrap Up

1 Week of Game Dev - Part 2

1 Week of Game Dev - Part 5

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

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Stream now! 🎧…

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