Sonic Robophobia

3 months ago

1 Year Anniversary of Robophobia + Back from Break

Greetings everyone, I would like to announce that I'm officially back from my break, I finished my school year, I have been taking care of my mental health and now I believe I am ready to go back to work in my projects

I don't believe we'll be able to release something by the end of the year, but I still think I could give you guys an update on each one of my games.

FNaS!Swap is the closest to completion, I don't plan on releasing a demo, so the game will be released when it's 100% finished

FNaS: Knuckles' Story is fine, there are still a bunch of assets to be finished for the demo and after that releases, there will still be a BUNCH of stuff to be done

Sonic Robophobia is still in slow progress, the game changed a lot and things are still being decided, it's my most ambitious project and probably will be my best when it releases, so be patient.

Talking about it, since it's been a year since the gamepage of this game was created, I just want to say a few things.

When I started this project, it was supposed to be something simple, a FNaS 1 Remake with different characters that weren't from the Mario cast, I made it because I was bored, I had all time in the world to focus only on it and, even if looking at it now, I think the original stuff looks really ugly, I'm pretty happy with how things started. The project changed and while, at its core, it's still a FNaF 1 clone, it became something special to me.

Plus, because of this project, I could meet so many cool people and, sure, this community has a bunch of problems, but the time I spent on it was good.

Honestly, FNaS doesn't interest me as much as it did when I began working on my games, but I'm still gonna finish these games, because I'm happy doing so.

Anyways, I hope you all have a great day, and thank you all for everything.




Next up

office progress

customize your torture

trying to make a freddy fazbear


little gameplay screenshot for you guys

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

impatient hedgehog

Late 300 followers special - A Teaser

Rat Race Production Update

development is back again yay

have this sonk guy