Sonic Robophobia (AKA FNaS Uncreativity)

20 days ago

Meet the protagonist of Uncreativity, Felix the Fennec, a mysterious mobian without a known past, well, that's what we think.

also, expect some changes coming up, nothing too big, just changes on the game page



Next up

meet eggboy, my son

office progress

something i never finished

----- Five Nights at Sonic's: Back to 2015 -----

A promotional art

my tier list of fnas characters

took design, lore and game they appear into consideration

YAY! it's FNaS 2 9th anniversary (maybe late in some zones) so that means Reopened just came out, go and play it!, also please report bugs, thanks for the long wait

development is back again yay

have this sonk guy

from what i noticed, it's easier to get people to help you when you write stuff on the image rather than a topic in a big and boring post (i think i'm stupid)

Heard it was FNaS 2 anniversary today so I drew these two little things lol

something on the vents