19 days ago

10 followers left :D

Thanks everybody for 290 Followers and 4.4k Likes :)

I don’t think I’ll reach 300 before August ends, but that doesn’t matter.

Just as long as you all still follow and support me, that’s what matters :)

Thanks again :)

Read Article👇

300 follower special coming soon :)



Next up

I’m back :)

This school day was okay I guess.

Also, thanks @AvgBel for the gift :)

Y’all should really follow them fr

You know, the weekend wasn’t really that good.

And you all know why :|

Anyways, I’ll try my best to post more and if not…

Oh well lmao

Hi :)

Goodby- *phone dies again*

(My meme)

(This is a scheduled post at 3:33 am and I need to fucking sleep)

#slowjolt Bruh

Gamejolt, fix this shit


Satisfaction at it’s finest 😌👌

Thanks @idk90957 for the gift :)

Good night everybody :)

I always seek and you never hide!!!

Having Mac n cheese for supper

I gave my sister half of it.

Also, my parents came back and got Bojangles and I did not regret cooking supper before my family got me some.

They should’ve hid it from me before they left :)

Their fault, not mine :)

Good morning everybody :)

This time this post ain’t a scheduled post since I did not sleep :D

(Even though I did before waking up a few hours later lol)

(My meme)

A beautiful sunset.

Thanks @Gameboyz_ for the gifts :)