Star Story

9 years ago

15.07.10 update

I’m afraid I don’t have much to say this time, but I’m trying to keep you up-to-date at least once a month.

The main reason was of course I had to suspend all work of a very long time, and after that the hot weather in the Netherlands got the better of me. I’ve been in hotter weather in countries like France, Spain and Greece, I know, but there I had a) a swimming pool at my disposal and b) not to mention the air is dryer there.

At this moment I’m still in the middle of the basic mechanics of the battle routines. This is always the hardest and most complex part in RPG creation. Since I don’t use ready-to-go tools like RPG Maker, I’m a bit on my own. Also due to my new setup engine being totally different in underlying setup than Dyrt I could not simply copy the script code from Dyrt (dang), and besides the script code in Dyrt was (as far as the combat routine was concerned) dirty code straight from hell (because I tried to do things too fast) and I want to do things more properly this time (I always promise myself to try to set up things that way I can reuse it after that for another game. Unfortunately that (almost) never happens for some silly reason).

Once the battle engine is properly setup, things can go pretty fast, as then I can truly work on getting the Yaqirpa done and finish the first dungeon at last (I’m beginning to hate that place right now). With that the work on the “true” game can begin at last.

Well I knew what I was about to face when I began this project, as this is after all my 5th great RPG project from scratch, so I’m not complaining. I hope I can post up something big soon. All I can assure you now is that I’m working as hard as I can. ;)



Next up

Meet Berindo Yorno

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

BallPlay future

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Technobabble and a screenshot for #screenshotsaturday


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