2022 vs Now... #Varminal #IndieDev #RPG #MarioandLuigi
The character sprites aren't the only thing that look much better - thanks to our new tile artist Gardy, the environments also got a massive upgrade!
The difference is night and day, isn't it?
Next up
Three playable short battles which include all the features we've shown off so far!
It's already available to our 15€ tier Ko-Fi members!
Support us to get it now! https://ko-fi.com/animalrpgdev
So, do you guys think we maybe have improved the art a bit lately...?
More progress is being made! We got the new directional movement sprites fully animated and implemented now, and they really do hit different in motion, don't they?
The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !
Enter by completing this quest: https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway
We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯
Wanna win 1,000 Joltbux? 💸
We extended the quest to wishlist INAYAH - Life After Gods on Steam and giving you more chances to win! https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway
You have until March 3rd. We'll pick a winner each day the quest is active! 🤯
The facelifts keep coming, and so does the game's progress! Take a look at our vibrant new tileset for the sewer area, as our duo jumps on through in a fully functional 2.5D engine, all coded by our skilled programmer, MaxL0s!
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game: https://bit.ly/playwarthundergj
Thank you to everyone who entered!
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