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Alpha 0.2.0 is here

Thanks to GameJolt who finally acted, the second alpha of Bitbit's Garten is now published for you to enjoy, please don't forget to leave your opinion
#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArtist #BitBitsGarten #Gamer #PixelGame #HorrorGame #Games

Not CherryBot

My friends, I am pleased to inform you that I now know how to handle textures better and it is possible that you will see the first 3D game from Cherry'Start

#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArtist #Cherry #Bots #SciFi #3DModel

Sit 'N Survive Animations

I've been practicing animations that convey a certain fear but at the moment they don't convince me, let me tell you that I've been thinking of good things to add.

#IndieDev #SitNSurvive #PixelGame #ScottGame #PixelArt #PixelAnim

Bathrooms and properties

I'm making some adjustments to the bathrooms, I also got to work on making certain walls transparent, this will add more visible space to explore

#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArtist #PixelGame #PixelArt #BitBitsGarten #HorrorGame #Dev

Alpha Tester

Thanks to a friend who tried the Alpha I was able to solve the problem of the first puzzle, I apologize for that mistake of mine, 0.2.0 will be available this weekend

#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArtist #PixelGame #BitBitsGarten #HorrorGame #Game