These Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Gimentus PrimeMantuss On Top With The Universums

16 hours ago

2024 DDS Parody Character #22 - Zauffeey (Created on: March 5th, 2025) Not again folks!!!! Thankfully folks, this official #22ndDDSparodyMascot's not so massive like the other ones that we'd seen before already this month here in 2025!!!!!

And of course, he's also known as an official Mall Keeper of Draxx Dustun Studios as well too!!!! Good thing he's an official hand-made one though, made from both Nave Jonnson and his official daughter AND official owner/creator of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!! Here from Series Four of 2024, meet the official #22ndParodyMascot/#DDSMallKeeper (and also hand-made parody mascot) known as "Zauffeey", the official barber, hair stylist, and helpful/positive guide to all mall officializes-thingies of hair cutting professionals out there!!!! And by the way, don't be fooled by his angry expressions okay??? It's just for show of course!!!! By the way, this guy kind of reminds of someone here!!!! Or should I say, two familiar parody-like faces, from Jax Justun Studios!!!!! YEP!!! That's right folks!!!! Zauffeey right here was known to be one of the official and very first unused concept parody designs for both of the #53rdAnd54thParodyMascots known as both "Classmo" AND "Anti-Clawsmo" from Jax Justun Studios of Series Five of 2022 "Part Three"!!!!!!! Which Classmo was originally named as of course, Zauffeey and Anti-Clawsmo was of course, originally named as Anti-Zaufffeey!!!!! But with THREE "Fs", instead of just only two in the name!!!! Thankfully though, the official first version of Classmo had survived since May 17th, 2002, and it was officially known to be as the official parody designs for Zauffeey!!!!! Wait a minute though????

What about the one for Anti-Clawsmo of course???? Well, that one also survived on that same day alone, but it was a year later, on the same day of course, on the exact same month as always!!!!! But it is technically the official second/evil-ish version for Zauffeey though!!!!! but, it hasn't been founded yet!!! But of course, that second/evil version of course, is just an official reskin/copied variant of Zauffeey, but with just a few parody remodels of course!!!!! And once again folks, Zauffeey's known to be not just a hand-made parody mascot, but also known to be an official Mall Keeper of Draxx Dustun Studios as well too!!!! Wait??? Zauffeey is also known to be the long lost father of Classmo, Anti-Clawsmo, Clawnndaw, AND Anti-Klawndaw!!!!! WHAT!?!?!??!!! OH......MY......GOOOOODDDD!!!! I should've known also if this thing was also related towards somebody here!!!! Multiple for that matter!!!!!


I don't know how many official long lost parody siblings that both JJS and DDS had over these past parody centuries here, but it looks like that Zauffeey was yet another official long lost parody relative of four official JJS parody mascots, with only two aren't even officially created yet here from Jax Justun Studios and everything!!!! And why do I keep saying the phrase "and everything" at almost every single sentence in these kinds of paragraphs here!!!!!!.......Whatever.......Anyways, I think that should the end about Zauffeey and everything!!!!! Even if this guy was all rushed and everything here, I think Zauffeey was one of the best and most detailed parody mascot of DDS HQ that I had ever made here so far!!!!! And of course, you'd all had seen that a few minor things are seen inside of Zauffeey's parody models and designs!!!! The third two wings were from Mr. Sanitorium, the official #10thParodyMascot from Series Two of 2019 of Jax Justun Studios, the bottom portion, the other wings, and tail from both Classmo and Anti-Clawsmo of course (same as for the face expression), and the hair PNGs from other past female human-like parodies from both Jax Justun Studios AND Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

And of course, the four arms and hands from the most recent discovered recalled parody mascot from DDS HQ known as of course TrankeyTrankTank "SubberinaSauron"!!!!!! So yeah, let me what you all know about Zauffeey here!!!!! I would assume that they'll be official parody fanarts for Zauffeey in the nearest future of course!!!! Anyways, that's all for today folks!!!!! See you all next time!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #TheDDSmallKeepersAreStill........... #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #ZauffeeysInnocentOfDDS!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 DDS Parody Character #28 - Vaddey Brugg (Created on: January 8th, 2025) My eyes are tired from all of this here folks!!!!! On this day alone, on January 8th, 2000, the official #28thDDSparodyMascot was created and born from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #29 - Penny Coinster (Created on: January 20th, 2025) As of today here on Jan. 20th, 2025, Draxx Dustun Studios had finally made us yet another one official Mall Keeper/Rich Mall Keeper!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #39, #40, & #41 - Greg The Alien, Fred, & Terrance - All From The SMG4 Universe Series Well Draxx Dustun Studios, you'd finally done it again here!!!! Showing off some more of your official #DDSparodyCameoMascots here!!!!!


Jax Justun Studios Video #53 - (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025 - March 1st, 2025) Well guys, Haxx Hustun Studios, Napature Science, & HT Band Entertainment are all FINALLY back!!!!!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #42 - Leggy (The Inner ONE) Versions #1, #2, & #3 - From The SMG4 Universe Series We here at DDS have yet another official SMG4 character joining our parody cameo rosters of official #DDSparodyMascots!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #30 - Lord Christmas Ornament (Created on: March 1st, 2025) Well folks, today's finally the day!!!! It is now March 1st, 2025, the #106thYearAnniversaryEvent for Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2024 DDS Parody Character #26 - Commander Koosko "Ornigami Craine King" (Created on: December 24th, 2024) Christmas is tomorrow here in 2024 you guys!!!! And today's of course, Christmas Eve of 2024!!!!