The Return to Jax Justun's 5: Napature & Aperture Science with Mr. Corallus and Evilalita

1 month ago

2024 HHS Parody Character #29 - Noppyright Striycka (Created on: July 25th, 2024) Well guys, another and brand new Parody Mascot/Character of Haxx Hustun Studios has arrived!!!! Both parts of Series Three of 2024's already getting started!!!!

Created all the way back on September 14th, 2008 through August 1st, 2009 (YES!!! Lucky numbers and dates don't lie at all!!!), Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios had created the #29thParodyMascotCharacter known as "Noppyright Striycka", also known as "Prioner-2909KUH"!!!!! This guy was designed and based on having the abilities to help people and also the workers themselves at Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science from getting any kinds or types of copyrighted material strikes and everything!!!!

You know what I mean by that!!!!! But as always, we'll be having more and more future updates about this guy later on!!!! I just don't want any spoiling things about talking about this guy right here!!! Anyways, Noppyright Striycka was actually the most easiest one of all!!!!! A lot less complex then Shippey Wreckey from earlier that I'd just created and shown off today here on July 25th, 2024, and was also an easy one do design out like Mr. Glumpty Plant, the #1stParodyCharacter of Jax Justun Studios from Series One of 2018!!!!!!!! And that is it you guys!!!! We'll be finding more about Noppyright Striycka later on in the nearest future!!! For now, stay safe and enjoy the last six days of your beloved and positive summers!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!! #DontGetNoppyrightStriycka!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 HHS Parody Character #27 - Balloon Gropp (Created on: Sept. 5th, 2024) Here on this day alone, around on September 5th, 1987, this amazing and yet another hand-made parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios was created!!!!!

Ender Dragon Kritters #4 (Beccala Moonlight Ender Dragon (BMED) The Moonlight Dragon) - Created on: Sept. 6th, 2024 The time has come you guys!!!!!! The #4thEnderDragonKritter's finally here at last!!!!!! With her official #EDKparodyPoster included!!!!!!!

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #10 - ShippyWreckey CoveryWovery (Created on: July 25th, 2024) After a few months being all teased and everything, the #10thRecalledPCM is FINALLY here at long last!!!!!!

Help @JudgeJelly Fend Off Cthulhu!

The cosmic terror will attack Game Jolt unless Judge Jelly can fend it off!

Check your quest log to learn how YOU can help.

HHS Cartoon Depiction #31 (For Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp”) - Created on: Sept. 6th, 2024 Seriously!!! Another one!!!! How many of these rare parodies are there from this youngest parody-like company/studios???? Umm?? Anyways, Umm???

Check out the @MassiveMonster shop for exclusive CULT OF THE LAMB avatar frames, backgrounds, and stickers!

We better see you praising the Lamb. 👀

Collect 'em all here:


JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #4 (For Lord Ender Dragon "LED") - Created on: September 5th, 2024 We finally made it folks!!!! The official parody JJS depiction for "Lord Ender Dragon (LED)" has finally been revealed at long last!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Video #30 - (Created on: July 24th, 2024 - July 25th, 2024) Well, after days of waiting, the official #30thJaxJustunStudiosVideo's FINALLY been released!!!!

Check out the @PortableMoose shop for exclusive SALLY FACE avatar frames, backgrounds and stickers!

We better see you supporting blue pig tails this weekend!

Collect 'em all here: #sallyface #gjbroadcast

2024 HHS Parody Character #28 - Mangled (AKA: Tangled's Brother) (Created on: August 17th, 2024) Well then, today's yet another special day folks!!!!! You all heard the titles of this GameJolt Post people!!!!!