1 year ago

9 years and a movie.

So, let me tell you how I started out. I found FNaF through youtube, Watching people like FGTEEV play through the game cause It was 9 years ago. I thought it was the scariest but coolest thing ever. FNaF 2 was my favorite for some reason. I just thought it looked the best out of the 3. Then I begged my parents for FNaF 2 and eventually got it. I booted it up and was SWEATING with fear. So scared I tabbed out of the game to take multiple breaks from how scared I was and how scary the atmosphere was. Eventually (With my own money this time) I went backwards and bought the first one because to me it was "less scary than the 2nd one" even though I was clearly wrong. Then a year or two I bought Sister location and fell in love with its point and click free roam. And I thought the endings were both great and Ennard was very scary for me. Checking all cams way too frequently on the final night with Ennard. I was SO scared of this game. Then for my birthday this year, I felt nostalgic and wanted to buy FNaF 3 because I never played it. I thought it was pretty great for all the hate it got. The atmosphere in that game was horrifying aswell. I thought Springtraps jumpscare wasn't even that bad. I watched lots of people play through ones I haven't played like Markiplier and Dawko play FNaF 4 and reliving the moment of "WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87???!?!?" was pretty cool for me. Then Security Breach came out and oh boy I was ECSTATIC. By this time I really liked Coryxkenshins playthroughs and loved his FNaF gameplay. He uploaded the first part of Security Breach and I was right there. Clicked on it immediately. So fast that Youtube registered 0 Views. Every single part of Corys playthroughs I Watched and Watched and Rewatched. My thoughts on Security breach? I thought it was pretty cool while it strays pretty dang far from FNaF, I thought it was great overall. I am still waiting for RUIN playthroughs and dodging spoilers everywhere. It's really hard to keep away from spoilers while on other platforms. And then the movie got announced and I just felt so much joy in that moment I couldn't believe it. I pinched myself, "This must be a dream. Theres no way after 9 years they decided to announce it." But I was wrong. My eyes darted back and forth between the words "Teaser" "Trailer" "Five Nights at Freddys" "Movie" I was in complete and utter shock. I live in the US so I get to watch it tomorrow. I saw some people get early access like Dawko and his friends, People around the world watching it before me and many others. I saw some people say it was horrible, Some people say it was mid, LOOKING AT YOU IGN! I kept my hopes high though. I cannot wait to watch it tomorrow. I'll see you all then. FNaF is a franchise I'll never forget. No matter how much I age. I'll always be able to look at the first game ever released. Say "I was there." Through all the hate with FNaF 3, FNaF 4, FNaF Security Breach, FNAF AR. It is still all of us. We are all still loving FNaF no matter which game is your favorite. Or if you even play the games. You could stick to other media like the Books or Game Theory vids. No matter what you enjoy about FNaF, We are all still fans. So, Lets all watch the movie. Even if its good or bad. It's FNaF. And thats all that matters.

Thanks for reading! And Thank you SCOTT!



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Playtime with Percy is a really good fangame, one of the best I ever played on Gamejolt. The gameplay and mechanics are fun and don't get tiring, the story was well thought out, and the ending was beautiful! Good luck on future projects Fazie! 10/10




Rat Race Production Update

r e p o s t.

Which one are you?


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

ARE THESE REAL?????????!?


Seeing them all over gamejolt and I'm so confused