trigger warnng... this is fucked up..
Hello? Hello? Hello?

Hi, I'm Phone Guy, pleasure to meet you

I'd like to leave a few quick words

Freddy's friends can be a bit active

Blah blah blah, that's completely absurd

Bonnie! Freddy! Time to get ready!

Midnight already?

Time to play!

Hey, I heard they hired a new guy

And it's his first day!

I'll try out all the cameras too see what they do

Let's check the animatronics, did one of them just move?

Don't be dumb! That's insane!

Look, they're standing all the same

Except for one, could it be?

Bonnie's staring right at me


Oops! Sorry


What's that sound?

It seems to be screaming

Everything's seeming slightly strange

Let's say hi! He seems a bit jumpy

How do these cameras change?

They're heading here just to eat me like juicy flesh-fruit

Or maybe they'll all stuff me inside a Fazbear suit

Seal the doors! Hit the lights!

Hey, new guy! Are you all right?

Stay away! Leave me be!

Don't be scared, it's only me

Maybe we should leave him a note


Oh no, he sounds like he's in trouble!

Foxy, are you there?

The new guy's trapped inside

They're breaking down the door

He sounds so terrified

Hold on! Foxy's come to get you!

Is that something in the vent?

Why's it smell like blood and mucus?

That's our natural scent! (Hey!)

I need a disguise to hide in! A mask or a head!

Hey Chica, check the kitchen, I think that camera's dead

Don't blink

Don't breathe

Don't move

Please, Foxy, leave

Baby, I love you, baby I, woo,

You're so bad, baby, I love you

Oh, baby I love you

Woo, I love you 'cause you're bad, oh, my...

What's he doing?

Sealing the airvents!

New guy, don't! You need fresh air!

Wow, I'm feeling kinda loopy

At least I don't feel, scared

Oh, no! New guy forgot to wind the music box!

Huh? What the heck do I need a music box for?

To keep the puppet sleeping!

New guy's using too much power!

New guy, open the door! You're gonna blow a fuse!

Keep this thing away from me!


Oh, he must be scared of the dark!

Maybe he'll cheer up if we sing him a song!

I wanna go home...

Hi there I'm Freddy!

Wanna come and play?

I think you're special in your own way.

I'd love to sing a song with you,

it's my favorite thing to do

cause I love you through and through.


Wow, tough crowd

Its not working, come on guys!

Everybody sing along!!

Come play with Freddy, play the night away!

All Freddy's friends have come here to say,

We'd love to sing a song with you,

it's our favorite thing to do

cause we love you through and through

6 AM!!!!!!!

I hope that explains everything... Thanks...
(Yes, that was a joke.)
(Dont tell me this is the first time an apology has had credits, you absolute CASUAL!)
The songs are, obviously, FNaF 1 Night 1 and Freddy's Lullaby from Random Encounters! (love you aj)
@AdritilloAR made the peak fake apology art!
If you make Fake CustomerON Apology Art I will add it to the post lol!