18 days ago

a lil nile doodle!!!!! :3

look at this lil fishy boy!!!!!!

lil silly!!!!!!


Prince Nile Aquarius is the 12 year old son of King Trident and Queen Siren on Aguamar, honestly his lore is just he's a prince but he's a little silly lil guyyyhhh but he sometimes has duties and lessons which don't really give him too much free time. Despite his sometimes sheltered life, he loves his parents and his parents love him back and just want the best for him.

he'd appear in the Aguamar level when he is exploring the ocean and finds Azan and Phoebe at the start and leads them to the royal capital of Prismarine City and to the palace because they need to get the Aguamarinite (one of the Cosmic Gems so the duo can stop Lord Klor)

tho right when he takes them to the palace, the Domination Federation would attack the kingdom and abduct his parents then he would get sad :( so Azan and Phoebe would calm him down and promises him to stop Lord Klor and get his parents back, then Nile would give the Aguamarinite and stays behind to help his people because he's a caring guyyyyyyyy

He'd have some silly diolouge cuz his parents don't really let him explore too much just for his saftey (nile is a royal and the next king of Aguamar after all)so he loves talking to new people :3



Next up

i love mammoths

gay meth,,,,,

respectfully can i stop getting boykisser-looking furries on my feed please i feel really uncomfortable

2024 —> 2021 redraw :00 //shes pan nd i wanted to add the pin in honour of pride month so ^__^

hi foolow thou pls

Roll for Initiative

pheobe is vibing!!!!!!!

this is her uh playlist cover yeah she has a playlist its in the article if you want

(i did not draw the shirt design)

heres barrel man's evolution thru the years

The Continent of Diverra

happy gay month

heres barrel man!!!!!!!!!! look at himmmmm :33333 (his real name is nathan wobbleton)

find the bi flag and you win money /j

#superhero #silly #uh #oc