Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Stellar Showoff!" [HIATUS]

16 days ago

The change for a Subleader of the Stellar Band:
Once entering Evil Mode, there's no longer a blood dripping from the eyes as in original appearance, aka. entertainer with top hat and bow tie...

That is something else! Still looks scary!

Fun Fact:
But his Stellar Glasses still changes color, just like the Tune Ornament on
the top hat in the default appearance "Imagine It!": Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!"



Next up

Gonna make a round 2 teaser of the Main Leader of Stellar Band, the first one was made in a rush. I need to slow down.

But on the other hand, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't know what needs to be polished and corrected. Gained an additional EXP.

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