Dark Fracture

4 years ago

A weekly update on our creative process, direction, and progress towards the Early Access release of Dark Fracture.

An exciting week and a bit has passed us by since the release of our demo. In this time we've seen quite a few comments, downloads, and even let's plays from our community! And we couldn't be happier for all the support that came from you all, and all the feedback that we have taken to heart. And so, for the first update since our release came to light, we would like to talk about just that and about what comes next.

First and foremost, we would like to thank you all for over 4,000 downloads of the Dark Fracture Demo thus far on all gaming platforms! We are excited to see so many people downloading and interacting with our demo. And we would continue to polish and improve on it as we move forward. With the help of all your feedback and support, that helps us pave the way towards the future of our game.

Second, we would like to thank you all for all the feedback you have given. Feedback from our playtesters, our community, and the many many videos we saw popping up on youtube and elsewhere about our demo. Using those many hours of recorded material to see the experience through different eyes. Catch more bugs and needed changes with all the information now available to us.

While watching let's plays of our game was a delight in its own right. Being able to see records of so many different runs of the game by so many different players was and is an invaluable source of information. Seeing so many different outcomes, snag points, strange bugs and even smooth and comfortable runs all help push our game forward. So that it will continue to grow and evolve as we work and toil away at making the experience better.

But this of course is not all we have been up to. While our prime focus is absorbing the massive amount of feedback and footage we saw and turning it into tweaks and improvements. We are also, as ever, thinking ahead about the future. As there is much more to come than just the demo, naturally this is but the first stop of many on our way to the full release of Dark Fracture.


For this week's tease, we would like to share with you just a few images taken of new assets we've created even through all work of our recent release. These of course are pictures taken from a testing environment and as such are not what would be in the finished product. But they provide a small glimpse into the future.




Next up

Development Blog n.13 - Festivities and bugs. No, BUGS! Get up close and personal with our new insect friend.

Take a moment to support us by voting for Dark Fracture in the "Indie Showcase Community Vote" of Digital Dragons, vote below!

Extremely excited to be a part of The MIX 10th Anniversary showcase, this Tuesday!

Check out awesome games and a new Dark Fracture trailer reveal during the event!…

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Dark Fracture development blog - NPCs, motion capture technologies, and more cool stuff in the article below!

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Dark Fracture is back from silence with a new trailer!

Did you miss the new Dark Fracture trailer at Feardemic Fear Fest? We got you covered, watch it here or at the link below!

Will you help us win this year's MEGAMIGS People's Choice Award? Take a second to support us by voting for Dark Fracture on the "Under 5M category"!

Vote below: Let's make psychological horror terrifying again!