Treasure Island: 2D Quadrilogy

2 months ago

Act 1 is now released!

First started as @Kpfreddy 's Five Nights at Treasure Island Plus, or ''FNaTI Minus'' by him, then recreated by, yet again, @Kpfreddy , but then abandoned, and then, revived an turn into this masterpiece! It got a lot of changes and, were happy the way it turn out! So enjoy the game!

"The Walt Disney Park Inc. enjoy that you have fun at the new Discovery Island!"



Next up

1.0.1 Patch

im cooking

Nightmares comes true…

1.0.2 patch

A bunch of edits I’ve done.

here we have:

Hellbound P.N. Mickey, Hellbound Oswald, Happy Mouse, Abandoned Mickey, Spirit P.N. Mickey, Spirit Face, True Mickey, George the Eyesore, Nightmare Ortensia and Nightmare Disembodied

Act 1 - Mary Again

1.1.0 Patch

I have mastered Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer!

I can now react with a Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer on every Radiance Post in Existence!

I will use Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer everwhere I can!

Such Fun!

is there a youtube video talking about this CaTI?

if so, then HOLY SHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!