Those Days At The Taf Studio Saga (Fnatts Revamped)

2 months ago

All the Tdatts (Those Days At the Taf Studio) Models (Part 3)

-Classic Thomas (Night)

-Golden Thomas (Goldie)

-Classic Toby (Night)

-Classic Molly (Night)

-Donald (Donnie)

"Sorry that I have been dead silence for a couple of weeks, I've just been so busy with stuff. But don't worry, TDATTS is still alive, It's just been on hold because of TRTTJH series games."



Next up

1 Day...

All TDATTS (Those Days At The TAF Studio) Characters.

Happy Valentine's Day FNaF Fan-game fans.

Scratchers who basically stole vectors, recolouring and has unoriginal content by remixing whenever they see an vector that was worked on that has good art style and there’s an actual well made animation project:

Hey guys... some INCREDIBLE news about the Fnatas Stylized Vector Pack V3.0.

All The Tdatts (Those Days At The TAF studio) Models (Part 1)

Happy 2nd Anniversary Authropopghaus Robots

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)
