Star Story
9 years ago




The first alpha version is now on-line, and the best part is that I will keep it up-to-date at least once a week, possibly even every day (though the latter is depending on how much time I had to work on the game that day).

If you can’t wait and want to see my progress, you can go to this page for some instructions.

I need to note a few things though.

  1. The way the alpha version is put on-line is not the most user-friendly way. It is set up in a way which allow me to only run a simple script to put everything I have online.

  2. The best way to do this is by downloading the batch file or shell script for your respective OS and run it. The script installs, updates and runs the game. You can always be sure you got the newest version that way. To get this to work you’ll need Git. If Git is installed in the directory my scripts expect it, this should work.

  3. If you are not really into batch files and stuff, I did also put on a download on dropbox packed with 7z. I placed the instructions on my github page.

  4. It is already stated on my own pages, but I’ll state it here again, the game is NOT finished, it’s not even stable. Therefore, expect a lot of bugs, features not working, stuff not being implemented and so on.

  5. Keep any bugs you find on my github tracker. Don’t put them here on my GameJolt page. Keeps spoilers out of the way for those who are waiting for the stable version, and too many comments on the alpha build is never a good idea anyway.

  6. For security reasons the GameJolt API is DISABLED in the open Alpha. Savegames made in the open alpha can be loaded in the stable game (unless there are technical setbacks preventing that which will always be noted on my worklog), however the GameJolt API cannot be used from those savegames. The stable version should (of course) have full support of the API.


The most important status of the game as it was on the moment I posted this news artcile.

  1. The first dungeon of the game can be played from start till finish. After that you will now end up in an empy corridor where nothing works. This will of course change on my next session. (In the alpha build you can access F1 for the console menu and then type ‘Save <your savegame name here>.’ and the game will be saved (this only works in the alpha version, of course), you can then find the game back in the Launcher under the “Debug” user.

  2. Wendicka’s spells do not yet work. Trying to cast one in battle will either freeze or crash the game. Guarding will most like have the same effect for the same reasons.

  3. Items can currently be used in battle but not outside of combat. Outside of combat you can view and manage your inventory. The usage of items outside combat is one of my focus points, but still this can mean it can take awhile before this can be done.

  4. Oh yeah, I need to note, you need the MOUSE to control this game, not the keyboard.

Well, everyone who wants to try the alpha out is now welcome to do so. Everybody who prefers to wait can rest assured that work is done and that I strife for full transparancy here. I’ve reached the point that things can go fast, but I don’t even dare to give you an ETA for the stable demo. Well, see ya later, guys. :)



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Open alpha available on

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