A list of changes between the following versions.
Previous Release: Alpha V02-01-00
This Release: Alpha V03-00-00
A new finale!
New sound assets for bouncing and spawning bumpers.
Many visual changes including the implementation of Post Processing (subtle use of motion blur and dynamic use of chromatic abortion).
Improved feedback through dynamic visuals and sounds.
Many under-the-hood & backend improvements.
The Box now has a small black outline for clarity.
Implemented a star particle that triggers when you’ve reached a milestone (25m, 50m, 75m & 100m).
A new custom cursor appears during gameplay.
A visual effect that triggers on the cursor when you've run out of spawn Bumpers.
The new Bounce sound gradually increases in pitch (to a point) as the box continuously goes upward. Pitch is reset when the box falls below a threshold.
The new Bumper Spawn sound decreases in pitch as you begin to run out.
The camera zooms out on Victory or Our Of Bounds.
The camera zooms in when the scoreboard appears on Victory.
The main light source now rotates based on how high/low you are in the level. (The scene gets more light as you climb and darker as if you fall )
Tweaked existing sound assets.
Exaggerated the Squash & Stretch animation for the Box further.
Squash & Stretch has been removed from the Bumpers.
Made the Bumper’s base size slightly smaller.
Reduced the Resume Game countdown timer from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Fixed an error allowing bumpers to be spawned while you are at the scoreboard.
Fixed visible the distortion of the bounce animation and particle effect when the Box bounces many times very suddenly.
Added placeholder UI to the scoreboard.
Many small changes to the shape of objects in the scene.
Values that don’t get an update in runtime will now say “Null” instead of “000”.
Fixed issue where the height marker stops working when you reset or change levels.
When you adjust the game speed (in the options menu) the game will save that value for use when you relaunch the app but it does not successfully apply the effect.
The trail following the Box is much smaller on Level 3 than it should be.
Levels no longer randomise colour when you start a change level.
Height marker remembers and stays at your highest point reached but does not display the number correctly.