A list of changes between the following versions.
Previous Release: Alpha V03-00-00
This Release: Alpha V04-00-00
The bounce calculation now uses force (pushes the Box) instead of velocity (sets the speed and direction of the Box). Making its bounce more physics-based.
A Score system has been fully implemented* and displays at the end of a level!
Added a Feedback button to the Main Menu that sends you to our SurveyMonkey Survey.
Many under-the-hood & backend improvements.
Added a short animation to the Bumper spawning.
Box bounce uses force instead of velocity.
Box loses mass as you streak.
Added a short animation to the Bumper spawning.
The Box changes colour on Victory and Out Of Bounds.
Level specific Height Marker.*
Height Markers save their position when the game closes.*
Added High Score to the scoreboard UI.
Added a new sprite to the effect that triggers when you run out of Bumpers.
Added an updated Bumper Spawning Timer text to the cursor and removed the version from the Main Camera.
A Bumper Spawning Limit Display can be toggled in Settings Menu.
Cursor Group scale increases when you near the Bumper burst limit.
Fixed bug preventing the correct game speed from applying when you relaunch the app.
Fixed a bug where the Bumper Spawn Timer text would not show the number increasing.
Changed the structure of the Bumper prefab, now called Bumper Group
Victory Flare has been brought forward so the colour is no longer muddied by the distance layer.
Added each new element to every scene.
Fix bug preventing the level colour from changing when you change levels or restart.
Ending Boundary has been moved from the HighScoreBar to the Box and is now triggered by the box falling down after passing the initial finish line.
Fixed bug causing the trail following the Box is much smaller on Level 3 than it should be.
Fixed clicking sound at the end of the bounce sound. (turns out it had to do with the compression in unity)
Milestone triggers are thinner.
Fixed an issue where the Box could fall out of bounds after unpausing the game.
Make code less reliant on the inspector.
*Score system fails to recall your previously achieved Highscore, affecting the functionality of the High Score Bar / Height Marker as well.
Noticeable light pop around the 100m mark and at the finale.
Game Speed adjustment no longer functions.