11 months ago

An important notice regarding the development of this game.

Ok, if you don't want to read alot, here's long story short:

Five Nights at Scratchies Recoded will switch from being developed on Scratch, to being developed on Clickteam Fusion.

Oh. And everything will be rendered in 3D now.

So you may be asking me now: Why are you making this change all of a sudden? In fact, why are you even making this change? Well, simply put: I have grown tired of using Scratch as a whole, and no longer want to be restricted by it limitations.

also, the reason i want to switch from 2D drawing to 3D renders, is that so I can have more immersive and fleshed out environments, objects, and even characters.

Scratch, to me, now just kinda seems like child's play, and this point of view clearly shows me that I have officially outgrown it.

Sometimes, you just have to let go of the past, and grow up.

Kindest Regards, Duperguy_101.

Thanks for everything so far, and I hope I continue to receive love and praise from you all.



Next up


Spuds, Cherries, and Animations.

btw for those wondering, this is the nightguard of five nights at scratchies that you play as




Rat Race Production Update

dark evil beat i've cooking up

recently just installed Krita to use instead of GIMP, and i made this shifty lookin guy as a little practice doodle

''Could someone be at my window?''

no fucking way